
The NEVERSEEN Cover is….well….SEEN!

January 27th, 2015 | Blog Uncategorized


I know you're going to scroll right past this to get to the gorgeousness–and I can't say I blame you

(In fact, I'm always tempted to put a big spoiler in the text before the cover reveal since no one ever reads it–but I shall refrain!).

So here you go–without further ado. The cover you've been begging me to see….

You have no idea how many hours I have spent staring at that stunningness!!!! I mean…
The colors!
The outfits! 
The expressions! 
I can't even….
And yeah, I'm sure you now have ALL THE QUESTIONS. Most of which I probably can't answer. But here's what I CAN say:
~ That is Sophie, Keefe, and Biana on the cover 
~ No, Fitz and Dex aren't on the cover, but YES they are in the book just as much. 
~ Yes, that IS Biana's hand grabbing Keefe's arm. And no, I have no comment on that.
(Though I'm sure the fandom will have LOTS of thoughts…)
~ Yes, they all look worried–and rightfully so. A humongous wave is crashing over them!
And…that's it. I can't tell you what the scene is, or where they are, or at what point that scene happens in the story. For that, you'll have to wait for the book 
So I know the next logical question is; when does the book come out?!?!?!?

And the only answer I can give is: Fall 2015. It'll probably be November like EVERBLAZE, but release dates change all the time, so I won't have an exact date to give you until we're closer to that season. Plus, yanno, I'm still writing the book, so there's that. Realllllllllllllllllllllly need to finish…
So how about I go back to writing and you guys go back to staring at the gloriousness and we'll see how long it takes before the first fan art from the new cover pops up on the Internetz? 
*scrolls up to ogle the shiny one more time*
*gets back to writing*

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